Four Motivational Books everyone should read.
1 The Monk who sold his Ferrari
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny
, by Robin Sharma, is an interesting book — as the subtitle suggests, it’s a fable, and it’s one that will certainly make you give some thought to your life, your goals, your dreams and how your daily habits help you reach those dreams.
2 Who will cry when you die
Who will Cry When You Die? looks at life from a unique perspective. So many of us get caught up in what’s happened, what’s happening, or what might happen in the immediate future. Who Will Cry When You Die? is a gentle reminder to look forward, to the end of your life, and imagine what you will want the “whole package” of your life to look like. It encourages us to ask not only “What did I accomplish?”, but also “What impact did I make?”, and “What am I leaving behind?”
Ecstasy, the forgotten language
Osho speaks on the exuberant poems of Kabir, as translated by India's Nobel Prize-winning poet, Rabindranath Tagore. He also responds to questions as diverse as the difference between relationship and aloneness, mind and society, self and enlightenment, and explains the difference between a crystallized self and a strong ego.
The Conquest of Happiness
The book falls neatly into two halves: the causes of unhappiness and the causes of happiness. The first chapter What Makes People Unhappy? can be viewed as an introduction to the book, and the final chapter The Happy Man as a conclusion.
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